Thursday, 23 May 2013

Kernewek Lowender

There were heaps of floats and groups walking in the street parade, but I'm only uploading a few pictures here, mostly because I find the costumes interesting. This is a group of Australian-Cornish people.

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This little girl was being pulled around by a goat.

There's a lot of old vehicles in these parades too, but on Sunday is the Cavalcade of Cars, which is a few hours of old cars driving throughout the towns. It sounds pretty boring, but it's good.

For some reason, there were a lot of pirates and fairies in the parade this time.

The "picky boys" were the under-aged boys working in the mines - these kids were sorting rocks on the float, but also wearing their football/netball team outfits. I really have no idea why.

This man said he was turning 80 this year, and had been doing the job as town crier for 20 years in the Kernewek - basically he just rings the bell and yells.

Jarrad's favourite parts were the music and his banana.

This is maypole dancing, which I did when I was small enough. Lauren isn't old enough yet. Maypole dancing is basically just doing a dance holding ribbons which are attached to a pole, which makes a pattern along the pole.

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Even after such a long time, I still remember how to do all this exactly.

These are Lauren's friends from her class, they all did the Furry Dance together.

This man used to park his horse and buggy at the park in Kadina, and offer rides for $2. He's moved his business elsewhere now, but he still comes down for the Kernewek.

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This fountain is really beautiful, and it's only just started working again after a long time of having no water supply.

I love walking near the botanic gardens and the back of the uni campuses. This is the area that the path in front of my house leads to, and it's mostly the best parts of Adelaide.

We took a long time getting home, by the time we were 10 minutes out of Kadina the sun was starting to set.

Jarrad really hurt himself, he and another little kid accidentally bumped heads, and Jarrad's cheek split.

Lauren's hair is naturally curly, but she's doing her Furry dance tomorrow for the Kernewek, so she needs extra curly hair. This is what my mum used to do to make my hair curly when I did the maypole dancing, you wrap your wet hair around rags and go to sleep in it.

We did Lauren's friend Charlie's hair too.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

I'm Home

We left at 6:30 this morning, so I got back to my house about 9. We drove through a really pretty storm on the way.

Back home, everything is much more green, I'm excited to go for a walk along my trail today and see how much has grown.

My mum gave me some succulents because I'm trying to grow more things this year. She also gave me a few plants for the back yard, but these ones are sitting on my balcony.

This dress from Modcloth arrived while I was gone, and I really love it, I can tell I'll be wearing it a lot. Even though its cold, it isn't cold enough that I can't wear dresses.

I also got my second cuckoo clock in the mail. I have to figure out how to work this one though, because it's not wind-up, it's battery operated.

Driving / My Parents House

This giant dirt mound is in Moonta, its the dirt remaining from when they dug out the mines.

On one side of it there's a set of stairs you can climb up to sit at the top. It's amazing to sit there and watch a sunrise.

This is the Hughes Enginehouse, in the Moonta mines, constructed in the 1860's to pump water from the underground mines.

This is 90% of South Australia, just fields like this.

And this is those fields after a "burn off".

In the room where I stay at my parents house, my mum has only got a big table full of her craft things, and this old dressing table which is covered in porcelain and swans.

On the left is a picture of my sisters Kim and Kelly as kids. On the right is (top) my dad as a baby and (below) my Aunty Marlene, Aunty Beverley and Uncle Malcolm. These pictures are from 1956.

This is my mum, dad, sister Amy and I, when I was about 4 (so about 1998). I just had my hair all cut off by a girl at my kindergarten, and my dress in this photo conveniently hides that I sat in a puddle ten minutes before it was our turn for a photo.

These are some of the first pictures of Lauren (and her mum) we have. As a baby, her and Jarrad looked so much alike.

I always admire our kitchen window, because it's huge and lets lots of light in. At late afternoon, it's nice to sit in the kitchen.

This is Aubrey.

Aubrey has been extra clingy since the wild kitten has made itself at home in the shed (which is Aubrey's home).

This is the old car my dad bought for a carton of beer. We still have no idea why, because he doesn't ever drive it.

These are Lauren's chickens, Starbelle and Pretty Princess (originally they were James Dean and Oranges, which I thought were much better names, but anyway). They're not happy lately because their little hut where they sleep collapsed (it was already built in the backyard before we moved in) so now they have to sleep in a box, and it outrages them even more than they're usually outraged.

My dad has severall shelves like this one.

Lauren is doing the furry dance at the Kernewek Lowender this year. I did the maypole, not the furry dance, but the costume is the same, an old petticoat, 1800's dress, white lace apron and a flower band with ribbons like this one, which my mum made. When Lauren's old enough in two years, which is the next time the Kernewek is on, she can do maypole dancing too.