Thursday, 25 April 2013

In the city today, waiting for the bus, the street was suddenly closed off.

There was some kind of police parade with a marching band that went through.

It was pretty short, it went for only 10 minutes or so.

North Tce, looking west

North Tce

North Tce, looking east

These photos are terrible, taken out the window of the bus, but this is the war memorial on North Tce, where there was a big ANZAC celebration yesterday.

Its really difficult to see, but sometimes people set up stalls in front of the gallery, museum and unis, little coffee stalls or food stalls.
This is the RAH, where my uncle is staying.

This is one of the streets I walk home on, it was really quiet and beautiful, and then somebody in this house started playing piano, it was nice.

I always admire these houses for their little balconies from their attic rooms. Attics are really rare here, almost nobody has them, and these balconies remind me a lot of Europe.

And there's heaps more green now that there's been some rain.

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